高级会员第2年 参观人数:21132
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    REGO-BUG®貴金屬回收机是透過電解原理用於從稀釋溶液或清洗水中提取金屬的回收器,由于用一种表面积特别高的阴极,REGO-BUG®貴金屬回收机体积足够小,适合小的回收槽(the small drag-out tanks且功能强大足以回收大体积的浓缩的氰化剥离溶液,可應用於一般電路板或珠寶製作工業中之清洗水缸、回收金缸一般地金屬回收都能把金屬含量降至2-5ppm。。不論從經濟還是生態角度去看,從電鍍液內提取金屬回收再用是一效能及價值高得的工藝。


    Using an extremely high surface area cathode, the unit is small enough to fit into the small drag-out tanks and powerful enough to recover large tanks of concentrated cyanide strip solutions.

    • ? 回收經氰化銀缸後清洗水中的銀

    • ? 回收經金缸後清洗水中的金

    • 回收收金水中的金

    产品应用领域/Application fields

    • ? 回收氰化銀溶液中的銀

    • ? 回收金--氰缸中的金

    • ? 破除氰化鈉缸中的氰

    ----Cyanide based gold and silver APPLICABLE SOLUTIONS:

    ----Drag-out solutions of gold,silver,rhodium,platinum and palladium plating baths.

    ----Gold strike

    ---Cyanide based gold strippers

    ----D/O of gold strippers (both ofthese will require reduction of oxidizer which will be explainedlater)

    ----Others which can not be enumerated here

    产品优点/ Product Advantage

    • ? 高回收金屬效能

    • ? 投資回報率快

    • ? 高回收生產力,包括在稀釋液中

    • ? 簡易安裝

    • ? 機身體積小巧,不會佔用大量空間

    • ? 利用計算回收所得的金屬重量於生產線運作數據上。

    • ? 融化及提鍊方法容易

    The most efficient and cost effectivethe most practical and remunerative electrolytic recovery system ever. Easy and safe to use, and compact design are the keys of this systemthe recovery cell is designed to fit within the tank holding the metal-bearing solution. Less than 1 square foot of area is all that is necessary to accommodate the REGO- Bug®. By weighing, sampling or melting the cathode, in house, the REGO- Bug® allows you to know exactly what has been recovered even before the refiner knows it. Since the cathodes are inexpensive and disposable, precise record keeping and metal extraction is easy.