高级会员第2年 参观人数:274938
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    检测器 Geigr-Muller盖革管


    步长 0.1-4000uSv/h


    剂量率值范围(阈值范围上限由使用的电池寿命所决定) 0.001-9999mSv


    步长 0.01-9999mSv


    准确度(剂量率) ±30%

    准确度(剂量) ±25%

    能量范围 0.06-1.5MeV

    电源(锂电池) CR2032

    连续使用时间(一节CR2032) 12个月

    石英钟机芯 Ronda763(瑞士)

    石英钟机芯供电 SR621SW

    石英钟连续使用时间(SR621SW) 3年



    -防水性 **10bar


    使用温度 0~+45°C

    尺寸 50*45*20mm

    重量 95g,含电池

    白俄罗斯POLIMASTER公司生产的腕式个人剂量计PM1208实时测量γ辐射的当量剂量和剂量率。把**的辐射控制技术集成到一只流行的手表中。PM1208主要为工作在控制区域的工作人员佩戴。 PM1208个人剂量报警仪价格优惠, PM1208个人剂量报警仪现货供应。控制区域包括:核电站、燃料后处理工厂、边境口岸、研究中心、医院、非破坏性试验服务、以及可能受到核辐射的工作人员,如军队、警察、消防、国检人员等。PM1208电子腕表型γ探测器是世界上无同类产品的独有的仪器,它是为控制辐射形势和人员受照水平而设计的。该仪表可用于工作在辐射源变化环境的专业人员,也可用于关心放射生态问题的普通人员。

    PM1208 electronic wrist watch-type personal dosimeters were no similar products in the world, the unique instrument, it is to control the situation and personnel exposed radiation level design. The instrument can be used to work in the radiation changing environment professionals, but also can be used to care about the ecological problems of the general staff radiation.

    PM1208 available 24 hours a day of radiation control of the situation, indicating environmental dose equivalent rate (DER), environmental dose equivalent (DE) and DE accumulation time in more than a preset DE and DER will sound alarm. Swiss-made quartz watch RONDA763 ensure the reliability of the table travel time and accuracy. LED instrument display with the included calendar and alarm functions of the ordinary electronic watches. The latest design to ensure the 100 meters deep in the water work. Background light in the dark so that users can control the instruments and readings. CR2032 batteries to ensure continuous operation of equipment for one year.


    1. Timing accuracy: high-precision Swiss watch module Ronda763 a reliable guarantee for the watch of time reading the instructions.

    2. Excellent waterproof performance: stainless steel shell provides water resistance to underwater 100m, electronic LED backlight so you can be, even in the night, a clear reading.

    3. Continuous use for long: CR2032 lithium batteries to ensure continuous use within a year.

    4. Innovative design: PM1208 for real-time monitoring of the environment-ray dose was designed. Both the detection of environmental pollution, but also the cumulative dose of value-added testing. To maximize the nuclear radiation environment in the work of the staff to provide protection.


    Detector Geigr-Muller tube Geiger

    Dose rate

    Step 0.1-4000uSv / h

    [0.01; 0.1; 1.0; 10.0; 100]

    Dose rate values range (upper limit threshold value range of the battery life by using the determined) 0.001-9999mSv

    Threshold dose range of

    Step-size 0.01-9999mSv

    [0.001; 0.01; 0.1; 1.; 10.0; 100]

    Accuracy (dose rate) ± 30%

    Accuracy (dose) ± 25%

    Energy range 0.06-1.5MeV

    Power (lithium battery) CR2032

    Continuous use of time (1 CR2032) 12 months

    Quartz movement Ronda763 (Switzerland)

    Supply SR621SW quartz movement

    Quartz continuous use of time (SR621SW) 36 months


    - Extreme water pressure, or

    - Waterproof Maximum 10bar

    Maximum 100m

    Temperature 0 ~ +45 ° C

    Size 50 * 45 * 20mm