高级会员第2年 参观人数:209265
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    BCM-1000型生物净化工作台(单人双面 )性能**,能满足您不同工作环境的多种需求。

    BCM-1000型生物净化工作台(单人双面 )产品用途:

    BCM-1000型生物净化工作台(单人双面 )是提供无尘无菌高洁净工作环境的设备,广泛应用于电子、国防、精密仪器、制药化学实验等领域。并提供无菌无尘洁净环境的**颖净化工作台。

    BCM-1000型生物净化工作台(单人双面 )产品特点:





    BCM-1000型生物净化工作台(单人双面 )技术参数:

    洁净等级: 100级@≥0.5μm(美联邦209E)

    菌落数: ≤0.5个/皿·时(φ90mm培养平皿)

    平均风速: 工作区0.2-0.35m/s,两侧气幕0.5-0.8m/s


    噪 音: ≤62dB(A)

    振动半峰值: ≤0.5μm(X.Y.Z)

    照 度: ≥300Lx

    电 源: AC,单相220V/50HZ

    **功耗: 0.4KW

    重 量: 300Kg

    送风过滤器规格及数量: 990×600×38×①

    排风过滤器规格及数量: 610×610×38×①



    工作区尺寸: 1000×750×600


    BCM-1000 type of biological purification table (double-sided single) performance, to meet your wide range of different needs of the working environment.

    BCM-1000 type of biological purification table (double-sided single) products use:

    BCM-1000 type of biological purification table (double-sided single) is to provide high-clean dust-free working environment sterile equipment is widely used in electronics, defense, precision instruments, such as the field of pharmaceutical chemistry experiment. And to provide sterile dust-free clean environment table of the most innovative purification.

    BCM-1000 type of biological purification table (double-sided single) Product features:

    1, the biological operation of configurations: table at the bottom interface with the sewage, at the top with exhaust filters.

    2, full-cycle design flow, when the work area when a large number of supplementary fresh air, open air vents

    3, around the table moved up and down with the door, positioning flexibility

    4, Tomb-style gas isolation design to prevent cross-contamination inside and outside

    BCM-1000 type of biological purification table (single sided) Technical parameters:

    Cleanliness Rating: 100 @ ≥ 0.5μm (the United States and the Federal 209E)

    Colonies: ≤ 0.5 cells / dish when (φ90mm culture plate)

    Average wind speed: Workspace 0.2-0.35m / s, on both sides of air curtain 0.5-0.8m / s

    Displacement: 2m3/min

    Noise: ≤ 62dB (A)

    Semi-peak vibration: ≤ 0.5μm (X.Y.Z)

    Illuminance: ≥ 300Lx

    Power Supply: AC, single phase 220V/50HZ

    Maximum Power: 0.4KW

    Weight: 300Kg

    Air filter and the number of specifications: 990 × 600 × 38 × ①

    Ventilation requirements and the number of filters: 610 × 610 × 38 × ①

    Fluorescent / ultraviolet light and the number of specifications: 30W × ① / 20W × ①

    Overall dimension: 1300 × 800 × 2000

    Work area size: 1000 × 750 × 600

    Note: socket is equipped with back-up to 2KW