高级会员第2年 参观人数:210320
  • 参考报价:电议
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    n 国产同类产品累计销量**

    n 荣誉成为国家“援印尼禽流感防控物资”

    n 率先通过强制性医用电气安全新标准检测

    n 国家高新技术产业化示范工程


    l 优化的温控模式,升降温速度快,温控精确,热效率高,仪器寿命更长。

    l 一机多用:兼容0.2ml,0.5ml管,96标准微孔板。

    l 无油热盖调节方便,彻底防止蒸发。

    l 仪器操作简便,人机界面友好。

    l 体积小,重量轻,节省实验室空间。


    适用于分子生物学、医学、食品工业、司法科学、生物技术、环境科学、微生物学、临床诊断、流行病学、遗传学、基因芯片、基因检测、基因克隆、基因表达等领域以聚合酶链式反应(Picymerase Chain Reaction , PCR)为特征的、以检测DNA/RNA为目的的各种病原体检测及基因分析。


    样品规格 0.2ml×96孔、12X8联排管、96微孔板、0.5ml×77孔

    控温模式 基座BLOCK模式、管内TUBE模拟计算模式

    反应体积 10-100ul

    温控范围 1-99℃

    BLOCK升降温速率(Max.) ≥4℃/sec

    样品升降温速率(Max.) ≥3.5℃/sec

    温度显示精度 ±0.1℃

    温度准确度 ±0.3℃

    温度均匀性 ±0.3℃

    可记忆程序数目 200

    **程序段数 6

    **温阶步数 16

    **循环次数 99

    **保温时间 99分59秒或长时间保温

    温度递增/递减幅度 0~10℃可选

    时间递增/递减幅度 0~60s可选

    Tm计算器 Yes

    单文件内可设置多个循环 Yes

    多文件连接 Yes

    可调节式热盖 Yes

    停电保护功能 Yes

    产品外形尺寸 29cmX24cmX25cm

    产品重量 7kg

    使用环境 温度5--40℃;相对湿度≤80%

    使用电源 AC220X(1±10%)V 50X(1±10%)Hz,1100VA




    DTC-4CPCR Miriam gene amplification

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded the polymerase chain reaction (referred to as PCR) in order to imagine the speed and breadth to be applied to include scientific research and clinical life sciences and other fields. As a representative of PCR products Miriam, Xian-day-long company-based gene amplification of the DTC for its outstanding performance instrument widely used in DNA / mRNA and SNP detection. Diagnosis of infectious diseases such as: viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, chlamydia testing and birth, such as detection of pathogens, such as hepatitis B virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, STD sexually transmitted disease pathogens, parasites and so on. Similar products in the domestic sales of the first accumulated.

    n cumulative domestic sales of similar products first

    n honor as a nation "Indonesia's bird flu prevention and control of aid supplies,"

    n take the lead in the adoption of new mandatory standards for medical electrical safety testing

    n the national high-tech industrialization demonstration project

    DTC-4CPCR Product characteristics of gene amplification

    l Optimization of temperature control mode, or cool down fast, accurate temperature control, thermal efficiency, longer equipment life.

    l of a multi-purpose machines: compatible with 0.2ml, 0.5ml tubes, 96 standard microplates.

    l oil-free thermal cover convenient and thoroughly to prevent evaporation.

    l instrument is simple, friendly man-machine interface.

    l small size, light weight and save lab space.

    DTC-4CPCR Product uses gene amplification

    Applicable to molecular biology, medicine, food industry, judicial science, biotechnology, environmental science, microbiology, clinical diagnosis, epidemiology, genetics, gene chip, gene testing, gene cloning, gene expression in areas such as polymerase chain Reactor (Picymerase Chain Reaction, PCR) for the characteristics to detect DNA / RNA of a variety of pathogens for the purpose of detection and genetic analysis.

    DTC-4CPCR gene amplification technique parameters

    0.2ml × 96 samples hole specifications, 12X8 Joint Tube, 96 microplates, 0.5ml × 77 holes

    BLOCK mode temperature control mode of the base, tube TUBE simulation model

    Reaction volume of 10-100ul

    Temperature range 1-99 ℃

    BLOCK or cooling rate (Max.) ≥ 4 ℃ / sec

    Or cooling rate of samples (Max.) ≥ 3.5 ℃ / sec

    Temperature display accuracy of ± 0.1 ℃

    Temperature accuracy of ± 0.3 ℃

    Temperature uniformity of ± 0.3 ℃

    The number of memory to process 200

    The largest number of procedures in paragraph 6

    The largest number of 16 step-by-step temperature bands

    99 cycles maximum

    Maximum holding time of 99 minutes and 59 seconds, or long heat

    Temperature increment / decrement range of 0 ~ 10 ℃ optional

    Time increment / decrement range of 0 ~ 60s optional

    Tm Calculator Yes

    Single document can be set up a number of cycle Yes

    Multi-file connection Yes

    Adjustable thermal cover Yes

    Power failure protection function Yes

    Product Dimensions 29cmX24cmX25cm

    Product Weight 7kg

    The use of ambient temperature 5 - 40 ℃; relative humidity ≤ 80%

    The use of power AC220X (1 ± 10%) V 50X (1 ± 10%) Hz, 1100VA

    Product performance heating mode: three-dimensional film heating technology

    Cooling method: a new generation of "peltier effect" of the semiconductor cooling heat pump

    Temperature control and management: 16-bit microprocessor smart