高级会员第2年 参观人数:266232
  • 参考报价:电议
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    Shear Testing Oven

    Get unmatched results when performing heat-fail temperature shear testing of hot melt and pressure sensitive adhesives with the ChemInstruments 8 Por 30 position Shear Test Oven. This forced-ventilation shear test oven includes a ramping controller that complies with the SAFT test method ASTM D4498. The variability of SAFT tests depends on the mass in the oven, specific heat factors, wattage of the heating system, fan speed, program and operator technique.

    The 8 or 30 Position Shear Test Oven is the result of ChemInstruments' development of a standard rack, controller and oven combination, which greatly aids in producing uniform results between laboratories using the system.

    美国ChemInstruments 公司研制的S-O-8 or S-O-30 强制空气循环持粘性能测试用高温炉,适用于热熔胶及压敏胶在高温条件下的性能测试,该机设计符合于SAFT 的 ASTM D4498测试标准. SAFT测试标准的制定取决于许多因素, 例如炉内物体体积,热容系数, 加热系统的功率, 风扇速度, 操作程序及技术等. S-O-8 or S-O-30 含有标准试架, 控制系统及组合化, 适用于各种类型的实验室系统.


    10 个不同升温程序设置及控制, 具有15个分段及 30个步骤的设定功能;

    测试架承受温度400°F (204°C) 以下;

    炉子高温度500°F (260°C), 需将测试架移出;

    温度维持在 +/-1% 误差范围内, 升温可控制在 1 °F/分;

    电源要求 120伏, 14安倍;

