高级会员第2年 参观人数:293265
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    2.全球**的FluorCam叶绿素荧光成像技术,是作物生理生态功能性状的必备分析技术,配备独有的高灵敏度叶绿素荧光成像镜头,成像面积可选配35cm x 35cm或80cm x 80cm


    1)叶绿素荧光成像单元,单幅成像面积35cm x 35cm或选配80cm x 80cm


    3)3D RGB可见光成像分析单元,包括顶部和侧面两个高分辨率RGB镜头、0-360度旋转平台、光源灯








    5.Shoot & Root Phenotyping全面分析植物表型






    作为全球**家研制生产FluorCam植物叶绿素荧光成像系统的厂家,PSI公司在植物表型成像分析领域处于全球的技术前列,其FluorCam叶绿素荧光成像系统*先应用于植物表型分析研究,代表性论文如Celine Rousseau等(High throughput quantitative phenotyping of plant resistance using chlorophyll fluorescence image analysis, Plant Methods 2013)。在FluorCam技术基础上集成RGB 3D成像分析、高光谱成像分析、近红外成像分析、红外热成像分析及激光雷达扫描分析等先进技术的PlantScreen全自动高通量植物表型成像分析平台,成为目前世界上***的表型组学和作物遗传育种研究设备(应用案例另附)。




    1. 光适应室:


    ·智能冷白LED(6500K)+远红LED(735nm)光源,对植物无辐射升温效应,光强1000 μmoles /m2/s 0-100%(步进增幅1%)可调



    ·具备激光定位系统,以调整控制植物移动与成像程序(imaging protocols)的同步性




    2.RGB 3D结构成像分析单元?









    b)橙色620nm LED脉冲调制测量光源

    c)双色光化学光,橙色620nm LED和冷白LED光源

    d)冷白LED饱和光闪,**光强4000 μmol(photons)/m2.s

    e)735nm LED红外光源用于测量Fo’等


    g)高灵敏度叶绿素荧光成像专业CCD传感器,1.4M分辨率, A/D 16比特,具备视频模式和快照模式




    4. 多光谱荧光成像模块




    ·分辨率1360x1024像素,binning 2x2、680x512像素

    5. 红外热成像单元

    ·成像传感器:焦平面阵列微测热辐射计,分辨率 640×480 像素,灵敏度30mK(0.03°C),波段7.5-13μm;


    ·温度范围 -20 – 120℃,分辨率<0.03℃@30℃/30mK

    ·专用成像光源:冷白LED光源板,用于给测量植物提供稳定热环境,6500K,**光强 1000 μmol(photons)/m2.s,0-100%可调


    ·具备温度参考传感器(reference sensors)



    6. NIR成像分析单元(选配):




    ·InGaAs传感器,有效芯片大小9.6x7.7mm,波段范围900-1700nm,分辨率638x510像素,帧频118fps,A/D 14比特



    7. 可见光-近红外高光谱成像单元




    ·光谱分辨率0.8nm FWHM








    8. 短波红外高光谱成像单元







    9. 3D激光扫描单元:




















    ·传送带容纳量:50盆植物(1000株小型植物),可扩展100盆、200盆、400盆等更大容量 ;表型分析通量依不同的protocol而定,100分钟可以完成整个系统载荷植物样品的表型分析,可随机传送至成像室进行成像分析、随机浇灌


    ·具备手动载样环(manual loading loop)以便在系统待机模式下手动载样分析实验、小组实验分析等



    ·移动控制系统:中央处理单元CJ2M-CPU33;数字输入/输出**2560点;输入/输出单元**40;温度传感器Pt1000,Pt100,PTC;PLC通讯百兆以太网;OMRON MECHATROLINK-II **16轴精确定位











    ·叶片跟踪监测功能(leaf tracking)模块,可以持续跟踪监测叶片的生长、变化等等

    ·3D投射技术,可以通过高分辨率RGB镜头 或激光扫描构建3D模型,通过投射技术,将与其它传感器所得数据如叶绿素荧光、红外热成像温度数据、近红外数据、高光谱数据等投射在3D模型上一起进行对比分析等







    ·CSN EN 60529 防护等级标准

    ·CSN 33 01 65 导体侧识别标准

    ·CSN 33 2000-3 基础特性标准

    ·CSN 33 2000-4-41ed.2 电击保护标准

    ·CSN 33 2000-4-43 电源过载保护标准

    ·CSN 33 2000-5-51ed.2 通用规则标准

    ·CSN 33 2000-5-523 容许电流标准

    ·CSN 33 2000-5-54ed.2 接地与保护导体标准

    ·CSN EN 55011 工业、科学与医学设备测量电磁干扰的范围与方法

    ·2006/42/EG 机械指令标准

    ·73/23/EEG 低电压指令标准

    ·2004/108/EG 电磁相容性指令标准


    1.M. Sorrentino, G. Colla, Y. Rouphaelouphael, K. Panzarová, M. Trtílek. 2020. Lettuce reaction reaction to drought stress: automated high-throughput phenotyping of plant growth and photosynthetic performance. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1268.

    2.Adhikari, P., Adhikari, T. B., Louws, F.F. J., & Panthee, D. R. 2020. Advances and Challenges in Bacterial Spot Resistance Breeding in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(5), 1734.

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    4.Husi?ková, A., Humplík, J. F., Hybl, M.,M., Spíchal, L., & Lazár, D. 2019. Analysis of Cold-Developed vs. Cold-Acclimated Leaves Reveals Various Strategies of Cold Acclimation of Field Pea Cultivars. Remote Sensing, 11(24), 2964

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    7.Marchetti, C. F., Ugena, L., Humplík, J. F., Polák, M., et al. 2019. A Novel Image-Based Screening Method to Study Water-Deficit Response and Recovery of Barley Populations Using Canopy Dynamics Phenotyping and Simple Metabolite Profiling. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 1252.

    8.Rungrat T., Almonte A. A., Cheng R.,R., et al. 2019. A Genome-Wide Association Study of Non-Photochemical Quenching in response to local seasonal climates in Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant Direct, 3(5), e00138

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    12.Paul K., Sorrentino M., Lucini L., Rouphaelouphael Y. F., Cardarelli M., Bonini P., Begona M., Reyeynaud H.E., Canaguier R., Trtílek M., Panzarová K., Colla G. 2019. A Combined Phenotypic and Metabolomic Approach for Elucidating the Biostimulant Action of a Plant-derived Protein Hydrolysate on Tomato Grown un under Limited Water Availability. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:493

    13.Wang L., Poque S., Valkonen J. P. T. 2019. Phenotyping viral infection in sweetpotato using a high-throughput chlorophyll fluorescence and thermal imaging platform. Plant Methods, 15, 116

    14.Paul K, Sorrentino M, Lucini L, Rouphaelouphael Y, Cardarelli M, Bonini P, Reynaud H,H, Canaguier R, Trtílek M, Panzarová K, Colla G. 2019. Understanding the Biostimulant Action of Vegetal-Derived Protein Hydrolysates by High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping and Metabolomics: A Case Study on Tomato. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:47.

    15.Gonzalez-Bayon, R., Shen, Y., Groszman, M., Zhu, A., Wang, A., et al. 2019. Senescence and defense pathways contribute to heterosis. Plant Physiology, 180, 240252.

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    19.Adhikari N. D., Simko I., Mou B. 2019. Phenomic and Physiological Analysis of Salinity Effects on Lettuce. Sensors 19, 4814.

    20.Ugena L, Hylová A, Podleková K,K, Humplík J.F., Dole?al K, Diego N, Spíchal L. 2018. Characterization of Biostimulant Mode of Action Using Novel Multi-Trait High-Throughput Screening of of Arabidopsis Germination and Rosette Growth. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1327.

    21.Lyu, J. I., Kim, J. H., Chu, H., Taylor, M.M. A., Jung, S., et al. 2018. Natural allelic variation of GVS1 confers diversity in the regulation of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 221(4), 2320-2334

    22.Ganguly D. R., Crisp P. A., Eichten S. R., et al. 2018. Maintenance of pre-existing DNA methylation states through recurring excess-light stress. Plant Cell and Environment. 41(7), 1657-1672.

    23.Rouphael Y., Spíchal L., Panzarová K.,K., et al. 2018. High-throughput Plant Phenotypin ping for Developing Novel Biostimulants: From Lab to Field or FroFrom Field to Lab? Front. Plant Sci., 9:1197.

    24.Coe R. A., Chatterjee J., Acebron K., et al. 2018. High-throughput chlorophyll fluorescence screening of Setaria viridis for mutants with altered CO2 compensation points. Functional Plant Biology. 45(10), 1017-1025

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    26.Sytar O., Zivcak M., Olsovska K., Brestic M. 2018. Perspectives in High-Throughput Phenotyping of Qualitative Traits at the Whole-Plant Level. In: Sengar R., Singh A. eds Eco-friendly Agro-biological Techniques for Enhancing Crop Productivity. Springer, Singapore, 213-243.

    27.De Diego N., Fürst T., Humplík J. F., et al. 2017. An Automated Method for High-Throughput Screening of Arabidopsis Rosette Growth in Multi-Well Plates and Its Validation in Stress Conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8.

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    29.Pavicic M., Mouhu K., Wang F., et al. 2017. Genomic and Phenomic Screens for Flower Related RING Type Ubiquitin E3 Ligases in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Scienc. Volume 8.

    30.Rungrat T., Awlia M., Brown M. et al. 2017. Monitoring Photosynthesis by In Vivo Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Application to High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping. The Arabidopsis Book 14: e0185. 2016

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    32.Sytar O., Brestic M., Zivcak M., et al. 2017. Applying hyperspectral imaging to explore natural plant diversity towards improving salt stress tolerance. In Science of The Total Environment, 578, 90-99.

    33.Sytar O., Brücková K., Kovár M., et al. 2017. Nondestructive detection and biochemical quantification of buckwheat leaves using visible VIS and near-infrared NIR hyperspectral reflectanceimaging. Journal of Central European Agriculture. 184, 864-878

    34.Tschiersch H., Junker A., Meyer R. C., & Altmann, T. 2017. Establishment of integrated protocols for automated high throughput kinetic chlorophyll fluorescence analyses. Plant Methods, 13, 54.

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    36.Awlia M., Nigro A., Fajkus J., Schm?ckel S.M., Negr?o S., Santelia D., Trtílek M., Tester M., Julkowska M.M. and Panzarová K. 2016: High-throughput non-destructive phenotyping of traits contributing to salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Submitted Frontiers in Plant Sciences.

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    41.Sytar O., Brestic M., Zivcak M . 2016. Noninvasive Methods to Support Metabolomic Studies Targeted at Plant Phenolics for Food and Medicinal Use. Plant Omics: Trends and Applications.

    42.Humplik J.F., Lazar D., Husickova A. and Spichal L. 2015: Automated phenotyping of plant shoots using imaging methods for analysis of plant stress responses a review. Plant Methods 11:29.

    43.Humplik J.F., Lazar D., Fürst, T., Husickova A., Hybl, M. and Spichal L. 2015: Automated integrative high-throughput phenotyping of plant shoots: a case study of the cold-tolerance of pea Pisum sativum L.. Plant Methods 19;11:20.

    44.Brown T.B., Cheng R., Sirault R.R., Rungrat T., Murray K.D., Trtilek M., Furbank R.T., Badger M., Pogson B.J., and Borevitz J.O. 2014: TraitCapture: genomic and environment modelling of plant phenomic data. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 18: pp. 73-79.

    45.Mariam Awlia, et.al, 2016, High-Throughput Non-destructive Phenotyping of Traits that Contribute to Salinity Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana, Frontiers in Plant Science, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01414

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    51.Jan Humplík, et.al, 2015, Automated phenotyping of plant shoots using imaging methods for analysis of plant stress responses a review, Plant Methods, 11: 29

    52.Jan Humplík, et.al, 2015, Automated integrative high-throughput phenotyping of plant shoots: a case study of the cold-tolerance of pea Pisum sativum L., Plant Methods, 11: 20

    53.Pip Wilson, et.al, 2015, Genomic Diversity and Climate Adaptation in Brachypodium, Chapter Genetics and Genomics of Brachypodium, Volume 18 of the series Plant Genetics and Genomics: Crops and Models, pp:107-127

    54.Tim Brown, et.al, 2014, TraitCapture: genomic and environment modelling of plant phenomic data, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 18: 73-79

    55. Jan Humplík, et.al, 2014, High-throughput plant phenntyping facility in Palacky University in Olomouc, International Symposium on Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development



    右图引自《Nature Plants2016, Photonic multilayer structure of Begonia chloroplasts enhances photosynthetic efficiency by Heather M. Whitney



    1)3D RGB彩色成像分析








    5、PlantScreen 植物表型三维自动扫描成像分析平台