高级会员第2年 参观人数:252715
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    Q-Switched UV Laser


    355 nm

    351 nm

    349 nm

    266 nm

    262 nm

    Max.average power at

    optimal repetition rate*

    100 mW

    100 mW

    100 mW

    50 mW

    50 mW

    Max.Pulse energy* at 1 kHz rep.rate

    25 μJ

    50 μJ

    50 μJ

    15 μJ

    25 μJ

    Available average output power

    100 mW、50mW

    25 mW、10 mW

    50 mW、30 mW、20 mW、 10 mW、5 mW

    Pulse width

    Typically 10 - 15 ns, varies from power and repetition rate, 5 - 100 ns option available

    Repetition rate

    1 kHz to 100 kHz internal adjustable, 0 Hz to 400 kHz by external trigger

    Beam divergence, full angle

    3 - 4 mrad 2 - 6 mrad

    Beam diameter (1/e2)

    0.2 mm 0.15 x 0.3 mm

    Transverse beam mode

    TEMoo, M2<1.3; Typically M2<1.1, for 349, 351 and 355 nm; Elliptical beam for 262 and 266 nm

    Longitudinal mode

    Multiple longitudinal modes; Narrow linewidth with long coherence length option available

    Power stability, rms

    5% after warm-up

    Beam pointing stability

    < 0.02 mrad at constant temperature


    Linear; Ratio 100:1