高级会员第2年 参观人数:10051
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    KnowItAll 质谱库高质精选。搜索工具简易便利,可按谱峰、名称、分子结构、分子结构碎片,以及属性字段,如分析技术、分子量和CAS注册编号等进行搜索。该光谱库集还包含了化学品的俗名。

    • MS - Bio-Rad Sadtler AAFS Toxicology Section of Drugs

    • MS - Bio-Rad Sadtler NIOSH Pocket Guide

    • MS - NIST EPA NIH Mass Spectral Library (2017)

    • MS - Wiley Androstanes & Estrogens and Other Steroids

    • MS - Wiley Drugs

    • MS - Wiley Geochemicals/Petrochemicals & Biomarkers

    • MS - Wiley Industrial Compounds

    • MS - Wiley Volatile Compounds in Food

    • MS - Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data 11th Edition

    • MS - Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data 11th Edition

    Deleted Removed Spectra

    • MS - Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data 11th Edition

    Replicate Spectra

    • SWGDRUG Library - Bio-Rad Sadtler (select spectra)