高级会员第2年 参观人数:90166
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    关键特色 : Alba-STED for FLIM/FFS:

    pSTED (Pulsed excitation and pulsed STED)

    FastFLIM for time-resolved pSTED acquisition

    Improved image resolution using the phasor plot

    Dual-label excitation

    Fast image acquisition (dwell time: 0.2 μs)

    High dynamic range (signal up to 60 million counts/s)

    测试实例展示 Alba-STED for FLIM/FFS

    Confocal (left) vs. pSTED (right) images of the actin labeled with the SiR dye in fixed glia cells, acquired by FastFLIM.

    Confocal (left) vs. pSTED (right) images of the actin labeled with the SiR dye in fixed glia cells, acquired by FastFLIM.

    Confocal images of 60nm fluorescence beads (left); pSTED images (middle); sharpening the pSTED image using a binary filter based on the phasor plots (right).

    Dual labels can be separated using pSTED and FastFLIM. Atto 647N and Atto 655 were used as labels; they both are excited by the 640 nm laser. The two dyes are first separated using the phasor plots, and then assigned with two different false colors (Atto 647N - yellow, Atto 655 - purple) to produce the processed and merged pSTED image of the two labels.


    Monomeric cohesin state revealed by live-cell single-molecule spectroscopy.

    Liu, W., Biton, E., Pathania, A., Matityahu, A., Irudayaraj, J., Onn, I.

    EMBO Rep. 2019 Dec 29:e48211. doi: 10.15252/embr.201948211. [Epub ahead of print]

    Photon-separation to enhance the spatial resolution of pulsed STED microscopy.

    Tortarolo, G., Sun, Y., Teng, K.W., Ishitsuka, Y., Lanzanó, L., Selvin, P.R., Barbieri, B., Diaspro, A., Vicidomini, G.

    Nanoscale. 2019 Jan 9. doi: 10.1039/c8nr07485b. [Epub ahead of print]

    A straightforward STED-background corrected fitting model for unbiased STED-FCS analyses.

    Wang, R., Brustlein, S., Mailfert, S., Fabre, R., Fallet, M., Sivankutty, S., Rigneault, H., Marguet, D.

    Methods. 2018 May 1;140-141:212-222. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2018.02.010. Epub 2018 Feb 14.

    A Novel Pulsed STED Microscopy Method Using FastFLIM and the Phasor Plots

    Sun, Y.,Tortarolo G., Teng, K.-W., Ishitsuka, Y., Coskun, U.C., Liao, S.-C., Diaspro, A., Vicidomini, G., Selvin, P.R., Barbieri, B.

    Proc. SPIE 10069, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XVII, 100691C (February 21, 2017)