高级会员第2年 参观人数:260802
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    RamSpec™ Deep-Cooled Benchtop Raman Spectrometer


    BaySpec’s RamSpec™ series Raman spectrometers are turn-key solutions designed for best-in-class performance and long-term reliability. Integrating an ultra-sensitive, deep-cooled transmission spectrometer, a class 3B laser source, an optional integrated computer and fiber connectivity, the RamSpec™ offers a high-performance scientific-grade Raman system in a rugged, portable benchtop platform.

    Key Features

    • 532, 785, and 1064 nm lasers (custom wavelengths available), single or dual

    • Ultra-sensitive, deep-cooled CCD or InGaAs detector

    • High-throughput, fast (f/2) spectrograph

    • Automatic well-plates sampling (optional)

    Full Detail

    Benefiting from our experience manufacturing high-volume spectral monitoring devices for the telecommunications industry, BaySpec’s spectrometers utilize high-throughput, field-proven components at a competitive price. For the first time in instrumentation history an affordable, accurate and ruggedized scientific-grade Raman spectrometer is a reality.

    Key Specs

    Excitation Wavelength (single or dual options)

    532 nm

    785 nm

    1064 nm

    Spectral Range

    100–3200 cm-1

    100–3200 cm-1

    200–1800 cm-1

    (200–3200 cm-1optional)


    4–5 cm-1

    4–5 cm-1

    6–8 cm-1(10–15 cm-1for 200-3200 cm-1range)

    Laser Power (Adjustable)

    0–100 mW

    0–500 mW

    0–500 mW

    The RamSpec™ employs a highly efficient volume phase grating (VPG®) as the spectral dispersion element and an deep-cooled, ultra-sensitive CCD or InGaAs array detector, thereby providing high-speed parallel processing and continuous spectral measurement. As an input, the device uses a fiber optic bundle or slit based on customer preferences. The included Spec 2020 software platform allows full control of spectral acquisition as well as library search functionality. The new-generation RamSpec™ has optional dual excitation wavelengths and automatic mapping function for well-plates.

    Models of BaySpec’s High-performance RamSpec™ Benchtop Raman Spectrometers

    .Diamond Spectrum Collected with RamSpec 532nm Raman Spectrometer

    .Diamond Spectrum Collected with RamSpec 785nm Raman Spectrometer

    1064nm Raman Spectrum of Estradiol

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