高级会员第2年 参观人数:260963
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    Nomadic™ Research-Grade Raman Microscope


    BaySpec’s Nomadic™ Raman microscope line is the only Raman microscope on the market today simultaneously equipped with three excitation sources from the visible to near-infrared (532, 785, and 1064 nm). With a goal of maximizing Raman signal and minimizing fluorescence background for real-world samples, this wavelength combination provides unprecedented flexibility for any sample type. Single-wavelength version, and other custom configurations are also available.

    Already have a microscope? We can retrofit any commercially available microscope with our Raman engines. Please contact us.

    Key Features

    • Available in 532, 785, and 1064 nm (custom wavelengths also available)

    • 3 independent, high-throughput, transmission-based spectrometers

    • Integrated research-grade Olympus® microscope

    • Deep-cooled CCD and InGaAs detectors

    • High-resolution (2 cm-1) option available

    • Complete software for data and multivariate image analysis

    • Competitive pricing

    Full Detail

    The Nomadic™ is equipped with dedicated spectrographs and detectors for each excitation wavelength, ensuring optimal spectral coverage, resolution, and sensitivity, with no trade-offs or compromises. The Nomadic™ also features fully automated operation, covering laser switching, sample position, slit width, and laser power.

    Coupled to an Olympus® research-grade optical microscope, the Nomadic™ can deliver confocal measurements with spatial resolution less than 1 μm. BaySpec’s Spec 20/20 software suite allows full control over instrument hardware, data acquisition, data analysis, and integrated Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) toolbox by Eigenvector Research, Inc.

    A Raman probe can share the power of Nomadic™ by connecting to the fiber ports (optional) on the side panel of Nomadic™.

    Nomadic™ 3-in-1 with enclosure

    Already have a microscope? –We can retrofit any commercially available microscope with one of our Raman engines, please contact us for an affordable quote.