高级会员第2年 参观人数:261831
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    Ytterbium-doped Femtosecond Solid-State Laser TeMa

    Average power >6 W *

    Short pulse duration <100 fs *

    Small footprint *

    Integrated pump source *

    Highly stable *

    Self-starting of femtosecond regime *

    External pulse compressor for <15 fs *


    - Seed oscillator for amplifiers

    - Multi-photon excitation microscopy

    - Pump-probe spectroscopy

    - Supercontinuum generation

    - Generation of terahertz radiation

    - Time-resolved spectroscopy

    - Optical coherent tomography

    The TeMa laser based on an Yb-doped crystal radiates at around 1-um wavelength with high average power, enabling the user to enjoy Ti:S-like power ratings at over-micron wavelengths. This design features integrated pump diode module for greater system stability and turn-key operation. The solid-bulk body of the laser ensures maximum rigidity, while self-starting design provides for easy "plug-and-play" operation.

    Two basic models differ in pulse duration and output average power: the TeMa-100 model features optimized pulse duration, while the TeMa-150 outputs maximum average power. An optional SHG extension provides powerful fs radiation in visible range, and an optional pulse compressor enables 15-fs pulse width generation.

    Wavelength (fixed)1050+/-5 nm
    Pulse duration (FWHM)*<100 fs<200 (typical <150 fs)
    Output power*>3.5 W>6 W
    Output power** @ 525±2 nm>1.7 W>3 W
    Pulse energy>50 nJ>85 nJ
    Repetition rate (fixed)*70+/-5 MHz
    Output power stability***<1% rms
    Spatial modeTEMoo
    Polarization>100:1, linear, horizontal
    Laser head dimensions412x190x93 mm
    Power supply dimensions290x200x80 mm

    * - custom values available upon request;

    ** - with optional SHG extension;

    *** - measured at equal room conditions over 12 hours after 30 minutes of warm-up