高级会员第2年 参观人数:230994
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:




    • 观察两个质子和无氟岁差
    • 发现居里法和自旋 - 晶格弛豫
    • 测量自旋 - 晶格弛豫的函数:
      • 顺磁离子浓度
      • 粘性
      • 温度
    • 观察和测量氟质子-J-耦合
    • 测量**超值的g的质子 /克
    • 精确测量地球磁场
    • 听到内置音频系统的岁差
    • 逆市线圈,为提高信号噪声研究
    • 检查调谐信号噪声的影响
    这是很难想象 一个大学物理或化学专业毕业的,没有进行某种磁共振实验。一直以来,核磁共振,并明确提出将继续是一个重要的实验工具,在阿森纳的物理学家,化学家,生物学家和医学诊断专家。在量子计算的*近的事态发展似乎表明,磁共振可能成为计算机科学的硬件基础平台。是毫无疑问,这种类型的光谱学专业的学生应该有一个基本的了解。


    A Conceptual Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

    • Observe both Proton and Fluorine Free Precession
    • Discover both the Curie Law and Spin-Lattice Relaxation
    • Measure Spin-Lattice Relaxation as a Function of:
      • Paramagnetic Ion Concentration
      • Viscosity
      • Temperature
    • Observe and Measure Proton-Fluorine J-Coupling
    • Measure Absolute Value of gproton/gfluorine
    • Precisely Measure Earth's Magnetic Field
    • Hear the Precessions on Built-In Audio System
    • Study Bucking Coils for Enhancing Signal-to-Noise
    • Examine Effects of Tuning on Signal-to-Noise
    It is hard to imagine a college physics or chemistry major graduating without having performed some kind of magnetic resonance experiment. Nuclear magnetic resonance has been, and clearly will continue to be, an important experimental tool in the arsenal of physicists, chemists, biologists and medical diagnosticians. Recent developments in quantum computing seem to indicate that magnetic resonance might become the basic platform of computer science hardware. There is no doubt that science majors should have a basic understanding of this type of spectroscopy.