高级会员第2年 参观人数:415139
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:



    • 测量μ介子的寿命
    • 证明相对论时间膨胀
    • 测量本地μ子通量
    • 测量海平面高度μ子荷比
    • 来源方便,真正的随机数
    • 创建模拟“介子”,并测量他们的一生
    • 光电倍增信号处理研究
    μ介子是一种自然的基本粒子。它的发现在1937年由卡尔·安德森标志着一个激进出发在物理学家的理解物质的积木。虽然这是**次分配理论的核力量,这是不正确的地方,它现在被理解为粒子轻子家族中的重要成员。我司制成的**个商业教学仪器的学生,以确定其物理特性。 μ介子是产生丰富地在地球大气层的宇宙射线和大气中的空气分子之间的相互作用,和其在海平面的磁通足以为学生的调查。我们的设备,使用常见的核物理和粒子物理实验技术可以测量μ介子的寿命。的停止率μ子,作为深度的函数,在大气中,可以用作特殊相对论的时间膨胀效应的示范。由于个别放射性粒子的衰减时间是随机分布的,它们是真正的随机数的一个方便的来源。这些可以被用来证明常见的概率分布。


    1/测量μ子寿命 2/测量本地μ子通量

    3/测量海平面介子电荷比 4/证明相对论时间膨胀

    5/方便真正的随机数源 6/无障碍学生分析的原始数据


    "Catching" Cosmic Rays

    • Measure Muon Lifetime
    • Demonstrate Relativistic Time Dilation
    • Measure Local Muon Flux
    • Measure Sea Level Muon Charge Ratio
    • Convenient Source of Genuinely Random Numbers
    • Create Simulated "Muons" and Measure their Lifetime
    • Study Processing of Photomultiplier Signal
    The muon is one of Nature’s fundamental particles. Its discovery in 1937 by Carl Anderson marked a radical departure in physicists' understanding of the building blocks of matter. Although it was first assigned a place in theory of nuclear forces which was incorrect, it is now understood to be an important member of the lepton family of particles. TeachSpin, in collaboration with Thomas Coan and Jingbo Ye of Southern Methodist University, has made the first commercial teaching instrument for students to determine some of its physical characteristics.

    The muon is produced copiously in Earth’s atmosphere by interactions between cosmic rays and atmospheric air molecules, and its flux at sea level is sufficient for student investigations. The muon’s lifetime can be measured with our apparatus using experimental techniques common to nuclear and particle physics. The stopping rate of muons, as a function of depth in the atmosphere, can be used as a demonstration of the time dilation effect of special relativity. Since the decay times of individual radioactive particles are randomly distributed, they are a convenient source of genuinely random numbers. These can be used to demonstrate common probability distributions.

    With this new TeachSpin Apparatus You Can:

    • Measure Muon Lifetime

    • Measure Local Muon flux

    • Measure Sea-level Muon Charge Ratio

    • Demonstrate Relativistic Time Dilation

    • Convenient Source of Genuinely Random Numbers

    • Raw Data Accessible for Student Analysi