高级会员第2年 参观人数:81543
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    The MTM High Resolution Thickness Monitor will fit any of the Cressington sputter and carbon coating systems as well as other thin film vacuum coating systems which allow for a vacuum feedthrough of 10 mm diameter a on a plate thickness of 9 mm.

    General Specifications: Microprocessor based, 4-digit display, push-button zero

    6MHz crystal with lifetime check

    5 times per second update rate

    Thickness Range: 0.0 - 999.9nm (pos/neg)
    Resolution: 0.1nm for carbon
    Density Range: 0.50 - 30.00g/cm³
    Tooling Factor Range: 0.25 - 8.0
    Processor Function: Four sets of values can be stored in memory under Density and four under Tooling for both the MTM-10 and MTM20
    MTM-20 Controller: MTM-20 only: Programmable thickness termination function with termination interface cable on 108 auto, 208HR and DC-100

    Termination facility range 0-999.9nm

    General Specifications:

    Microprocessor based, 4-digit display, push-button zero

    6MHz crystal with lifetime check

    5 times per second update rate

    Thickness Range: 0.0 - 999.9nm (pos/neg)

    Resolution: 0.1nm for carbon

    Density Range:0.50 - 30.00g/cm