高级会员第2年 参观人数:157207
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    Cutting mills are suitable for the grinding of soft, medium-hard, tough, elastic, fibrous, and heterogeneous mixes of products. The Cutting Mill SM 400 XL is ideally suited for pre-cutting of large sample pieces but, depending on the application, may also achieve the required fineness in one step.

    The high torque of the new 3 kW drive with flywheel mass allows for an exceptionally effective preliminary size reduction of heterogeneous mixtures, such as waste or electronic components.

    The cutting mill is used successfully for a great variety of materials. The sample is only moderately warmed up during the grinding process so that the mill is perfectly suitable for grinding temperature-sensitive materials. Due to the large open surface of the 240 mm x 240 mm bottom sieve, it is possible to grind large sample quantities and to increase the throughput.

    When operated with the optional cyclone-suction-combination, the SM 400 XL is also suitable for grinding light sample materials. In combination with the wide choice of bottom sieves, hoppers and collecting vessels, the mill can be easily adapted to varying application requirements.


    动物饲料, 原料混合剂, 塑料, 塑料玩具, 废料, 木头, 树脂, 植物原料, 橡胶, 燃料废料, 瓶胚, 电子元件, 电缆, 皮革, 稻草, 箔, 纸张, 纸板, 纺织品, 聚合物, 药品, 褐煤, 进样小球, 铝炉渣, 非铁金属, 食物, 香料, 骨头, ... 更多应用


    powerful size reduction thanks to 3 kW drive


    accepts large feed sizes up to 170 mm x 220 mm

    quick and easy cleaning due to fold-back hopper, smooth surfaces

    defined final fineness due to bottom sieves with aperture sizes from 0.50 - 20 mm



    应用领域农业, 化学 / 合成材料, 医药品, 工程/电子, 环境 / 资源回收利用, 生物, 食物

    样品特征软性的, 中硬性, 硬的, 弹性的, 含纤维的


    **进样尺寸< 170 x 220 mm

    *终出料粒度 *0.5 - 20 mm



    旋翼圆周线速度2,25 m/s

    转刀直径152 mm

    转刀类型parallel section rotor

    进料漏斗普通漏斗, 长型漏斗

    研磨套件材料:硬质刚, 碳化钨

    筛网尺寸:trapezoid holes 0.50 / 1.00 / 2.00 mm

    round holes 4.00 / 6.00 / 8.00 / 10.00 / 20.00 mm

    收集系统/容量collecting receptacle 5 l

    optional: cyclone-suction combination


    驱动功率3 kW with flywheel mass




    防护类型IP 54

    机体尺寸(宽x高x纵深)695 x 1399 x 719 mm

    净重~ 180 kg


    Please note:



    Size reduction in the Cutting Mill SM 400 XL takes place by cutting and shearing forces. The sample hits the rotor and is comminuted between the blades and the stationary cutting bars inserted in the housing.

    Thanks to the wide range of accessories, the SM 400 XL can be easily adapted to different application requirements