高级会员第2年 参观人数:63695
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    Multilayers XS-55, XS-N, XS-C, XS-B

    Multilayers are not natural crystals but artificially produced “layer analyzers.” The lattice plane distances d

    are produced by applying thin layers of two materials in alternation onto a substrate (Fig. 18). Multilayers

    are characterized by high reflectivity and a somewhat reduced resolution. For the analysis of light

    elements the multilayer technique presents an almost revolutionary improvement for numerous

    applications in comparison to natural crystals with large lattice plane distances.

    Fig. 18: Diffraction in the layers of a multilayer crystal


    The most commonly used multilayer with a 2d-value of 5.5 nm for analyzing the elements N to Al and Ca

    to Br; standard application for measuring the elements F, Na and Mg.