高级会员第2年 参观人数:75986
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    Multicells headlight reduce photometric bench allows measurement and qualifying

    examination of headlight product according to different standards (SAE, ECE, Japan) on 1.5

    meter distance through lens.

    It can measure different types of headlight: cars, motorbikes,



    Bench characteristics measurements are:

    - Measurement range : 450 lux maxi.

    - Number of points measured: until 200 points (chosen by customer).

    - Measurement precision: 0.01 lux on all measurement range.

    - Measurement frequency: 10 measurement per second.

    - Coefficients used for measurements depend on measured headlight’s color and

    power: cristal, LAD, ambre, LED.


    • Measurement with 3 modes : Continuous, PWM, blinking

    • Tilt platform allowing cut off setting

    • 1 power supply

    • Configuration of cell’s number

    • Measurement with different color’s coefficients available.

    • Equipment is controlled by ALPES software


    The software furnish with the bench allows:

    - Complete management of measurement thank to a simplified interface.

    - Creation/edition interface of personalized standard.

    - Management of headlight power supplies.

    - Output format Excel file, text file, IES file (isolux).

    - Cells calibration functions by dedicated software.


    Measurement cells Up to 200 cells
    Photometric range 0,01 to 450 lux
    Photometric resolution 0,01 lux
    Display frequency 1 measurement/second
    Measurement mode 3 modes

    (continuous, PWM, blinking)

    Power Supply 2 power supplies 20V/18A
    Size Height : 1,50 m

    Width : 1,50 m

    Lenght : 2,40 m

    Power requirements 230V/50Hz/5A or 110V/60 Hz/5A
    PC information Processor : DualCore 2.7 GHz

    RAM : 2 Go

    Software: ALPES, Pack Office


    MES_L_128 MES_L with 128 cells with manual vertical stage
    MES_L_128MV MES_L with 128 cells with motorized vertical
    MES_L_128MRV MES_L with 128 cells with motorized rotating stage and vertical stage