高级会员第2年 参观人数:285947
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:


    SYNC - Pulse repetition rate synchronization

    This plug & play add-on module to our laser drivers allows the synchronization of femtosecond or picosecond pulse trains to an external reference signal with ultra low phase noise.

    Its one of the worlds most compact repetiton rate synchronization add-on modules

    for mode-locked lasers and designed for 24/7 operation

    ? Push-button operation

    ? Very compact

    ? Easy installation (plug & play

    ? Ultra-low timing jitter: < 35 fs rms (10 Hz - 1 MHz) for low-noise reference signals

    No PC or any other control or monitor device is necessary to operate Onefive's pulse repetiton rate synchronization module. The push-button SYNC module is very compact (160 mm x 100 mm footprint) and guarantees reliable repetition rate locking to a user supplied RF reference source.

    Compatible with: femtosecond ORIGAMI-series and picosecond Genki-series.