高级会员第2年 参观人数:172764
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    eSpira FM System肺功能检测系统




    · 用力呼气量Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV)

    · 肺总量 Total Lung Capacity

    · 用力肺活量Forced Vital Capacity

    · * 大呼气流量Peak Expiratory Flow

    · * 大呼气中段流量Maximum Mid Expiratory Flow

    · 准静态压力容积曲线Quasistatic Pressure Volume Curves

    · 功能残气量FRC

    · 阻力/顺应性Resistance/Compliance

    · Explanations and more parameters


    · 适用于各种实验动物:小鼠、大鼠、豚鼠、犬、灵长类动物

    · 经典的肺量测定法spirometry检测肺功能

    · 综合的肺功能分析

    · COPD及肺间质疾病研究的必备工具;

    · 在数分钟内测定FEV(x)FEF(x)FVCFRCFEVpefMMEF等参数;

    · 气道阻力和肺顺应性直接生理数据检测;

    · 软件自动生成可直接打印的数据报告。

    FM 动物肺功能检测分析系统 (Anesthetized) --大鼠肺功能测量,小鼠肺功能测量系统:

    FM 动物肺功能检测分析系统提供与人肺功能检测相同的各种指标参数,例如FEV(x)、FEF(x)、FVC、FRC、MMEF、TLC等用力呼吸相关的生理指标;兼具弥散(DLCO)、Single Breath Nitrogen Washout等功能,广泛应用于COPD、肺间质疾病、肺纤维化等疾病临床前研究。


    eSpira FM System肺功能检测系统/动物肺功能检测分析系统 (eSpira™ Forced Manoeuvers System)

    eSpira FM System for Mouse

    Spirometry is the most common method for assessing lung function within the clinical environment, with FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in one second), in particular, being the most characterised and utilised tests. Until recently, this method of assessing lung function was precluded within the laboratory, as it involved voluntary manoeuvres. However, the EMMS eSpira? system enables a researcher to perform classical spirometry lung function testing on anaesthetised animals.

    Typically, animals are intubated or tracheostomised and cannulated. The animal’s lungs are inflated to a set tracheal pressure, and then exposed to a large negative pressure reservoir. This forces the subject to exhale as quickly as possible and enables the scientist to mimic classical clinical spirometry. Parameters calculated include Forced Expiratory Volume (FEVx), where x is the time in milliseconds, Forced Vital Capacity and maximum mid expiratory flow, which gives an average flow over the middle part of the flow volume curve and is useful for determining mild to moderate airway obstruction.

    The graph above illustrates data obtained using the eSpira system in a chronic murine model of asthma. Mice were sensitised with Ovalbumin and challenged on multiple occasions. Control animals were injected with alum only and were administered a saline aerosol. The lung function measurements were performed 24 hours after the last challenge. There was a 49% reduction in Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and a 46% reduction in Forced Expiratory Volume in 50 milliseconds (FEV50). These data illustrate that the eSpira? system is capable of detecting lung function changes, in a murine asthma model, similar to those observed in the clinical environment.

    Parameters Measured Include:

    · Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV)

    · Total Lung Capacity

    · Forced Vital Capacity

    · Peak Expiratory Flow

    · Maximum Mid Expiratory Flow

    · Quasistatic Pressure Volume Curves

    · FRC

    · Resistance/Compliance

    · Explanations and more parameters


    · Available for all common species from mouse to primate

    · Replicates classical spirometry lung function testing

    · Comprehensive lung function analysis



    · Acute and Chronic models

    · Recovery anaesthesia protocols

