高级会员第2年 参观人数:173201
  • 参考报价:电议
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    全自动脑立体定位仪是结合了stoelting公司经典的U型框设计,定制马达和创新性软件,是一款全新的划时代产品。通过StereoDrive软件,全自动脑立体定位仪能够通过马达和电脑控制三个轴方向上的位移 。另外软件中整合了 Paxinos 和 Watson 的《大鼠脑定位图谱》,能够更方便和更直观的进行脑立体定位。


    • 超高精确度

    • 节省时间

    • 排除操作误差

    • 精度校准功能

    • 实现电脑化控制

    • 脑部空间内探针可视化显示

    • 直观导航功能



    motorized rat stereotaxic instruments

    The Motorized Rat Stereotaxics combines the classic stereotaxic design with customized motors and state-of-the-art software. Integrated with popular stereotaxic atlases the StereoDrive software allows motorized, computer controlled stereotaxic positioning in all 3 orthogonal axes. The intuitive movement control enables unprecedented accuracy and higher throughput in all stereotaxic applications.

    The Motorized Lab Standard Stereotaxic combines the classic design of our time-proven ‘U’-Frame with customized motors and state-of-the-art software.

    Designed to adapt conventional stereotaxic systems, the StereoDrive software allows motorized, computer controlled stereotaxic positioning in all 3 orthogonal axes.

    Integrated with Paxinos and Watson’s Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, for either rat or mouse, the intuitive movement control enables unprecedented accuracy and higher throughput in all stereotaxic applications.


    Digital Atlas integration

    Frame representation

    Calibration of frame coordinates

    Setting of logical coordinate system (Bregma)

    Coordinates and Atlas visualization of the probe

    Advanced 3D visualization options

    Spatial Atlas representation

    Intuitive probe control

    Intuitive navigation










    Axial View Coronal View Sagittal View Working View

    Motorized UpgradeYour choice of two service options:

    Option 1: New Motorized Manipulator Arm and Axis StereoDrive Software

    Keep your existing arm. We'll ship you a new one.

    Option 2: Conversion to Motorized Manipulator Arm and Axis StereoDrive Software

    Send us your existing arm. We will convert it to motorized for you.

    Motorized Lab Standard Stereotaxic Software SamplerThe StereoDrive software display is divided into the navigation section on the left and the 3D atlas view on the right side of the window.

    1. Atlas View

    2. Actual position of the probe (logical or physical)

    3. Axial view thumbnail — indicating the movement in anterior-posterior (X-axis) or medio-lateral (Y Axis) direction

    4. Coronal view thumbnail — indicating the movement in medio-lateral (Y-axis) or inferior-superior (Z Axis) direction

    5. Anterior-posterior (X) drive control region

    6. Medio-lateral (Y) drive control region

    7. Inferior-superior (Z) drive control region

    8. Actual coordinates of the probes tip

    9. Editable target coordinates of the probes tip

    10. Stop button

    11. GoTo button

    12. Set Lambda button — setup of the logical coordinate system

    13. Set Bregma button — setup of the logical coordinate system

    14. Tools — access to the microdrive calibration (frame coordinate system)

    Motorized StereoDrive Software

    Included with Motorized Lab Standard? Stereotaxic

    Axis StereoDrive Software integrates seamlessly with the precision controlled motors. Motor movement can be executed by using the keyboard arrow keys or clicking on the screen with the mouse.

    The software coordinates motor movement of all 3 axes (anterior-posterior, medial-lateral, and dorsal-ventral) probe placement in relation to 3-dimensional visual representation of a rat (Paxinos & Watson, 6th Edition) or mouse (Watson, 3rd edition) Brain Atlas.


    Easy calibration

    Software-driven control of stereotaxic movement

    Virtual visualization of probe location

    One micron resolution

    Download coordinates to computer for recall and/or archiving

    Angle adjustments

    Variable speed on 2-axis (dorsal-ventral)

    The Motorized Lab Standard Stereotaxic combines the classic design of our time-proven ”U”-Frame with customized motors and state-of-the-art software.Designed to adapt conventional stereotaxic systems, the StereoDrive software allows motorized, computer controlled stereotaxic positioning in all 3 orthogonal axes.

    Integrated with Paxinos and Watson’s Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, the intuitive movement control enables unprecedented accuracy and higher throughput in all stereotaxic applications

    Image manipulations include:

    Spatial Rotation

    Fixed Rotation



