高级会员第2年 参观人数:24386
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    高质量的拉曼谱库已有22400多张谱图,并正在快速增长。KnowItAll Raman Spectral Library 是它的年度使用权。它集合我们多年光谱解析的经验和现代计算机技术来快速、自动、多方面地解析拉曼光谱。

    KnowItAll Raman Spectral Library
    Product CodeLibrary NameSpectra
    894010KnowItAll Raman Spectral Library22,400

    Spectra from databases below are included in the KnowItAll Spectral Library subscription. Databases that can be purchased individually have a product code.

    Raman Spectral Databases
    Product CodeSourceLibrary NameSpectra
    470300Bio-Rad SadtlerControlled & Prescription Drugs 1855
    470600Bio-Rad SadtlerControlled & Prescription Drugs 2995
    -Bio-Rad SadtlerControlled & Prescription Drugs 3265
    477500Bio-Rad SadtlerFlavors & Fragrances600
    470200Bio-Rad SadtlerInorganics1,630
    -JASCOJASCO Raman Library645
    -Bio-Rad SadtlerNutraceuticals470
    -Bio-Rad SadtlerOrganometallics150
    470100Bio-Rad SadtlerPolymers & Monomers (Basic) 11,680
    -Bio-Rad SadtlerPolymers & Monomers (Basic) 2100
    477000Bio-Rad SadtlerPolymers & Processing Chemicals495
    471100Bio-Rad SadtlerStandards 11,000
    471200Bio-Rad SadtlerStandards 21,000
    471300Bio-Rad SadtlerStandards 31,000
    471400Bio-Rad SadtlerStandards 41,000
    471500Bio-Rad SadtlerStandards 51,000
    -Bio-Rad SadtlerStandards 61,000
    -Bio-Rad SadtlerStandards 7345
    -HORIBAMinerals (FT)315
    -HORIBASemiconductor Materials210
    -WileyAldrich Library of Raman Spectra6,485


    Raman spectroscopy,

    unknown Raman spectra identification,

    Raman spectral interpretation using Raman spectral reference databases,

    Raman spectra analysis,

    material characterization / chemical classification of Raman spectra,

    Raman spectrum deconvolution,

    Raman spectrum mixture analysis,

    spectral searching Raman spectra libraries (Raman reference/Raman collection)