参考报价:电议 型号:
产地:美国 在线咨询
1. 取代实验室中昂贵且不便的氮气钢瓶和杜瓦瓶
2. 内置高品质无油式压缩机
3. 紧凑移动式设计,理想的移动实验室用发生器
4. 即使系统处于非吹扫状态,也能提高信噪比
5. 提升FTIR样品处理能力并使仪器正常运行时间**化
6. **的隔音效果保证了静音运行
Features and Benefits
1.Less expensive and more convenient than nitrogen cylinders and dewars
2.Includes state-of-the-art,oil-less compressor
3.Compact,portable design is ideal for mobile labs
4.Improves signal-to-noise ratio even on non-purge systems
5.Increases FT-IR sample thru-put and maximizes up-time
6.Special sound insulation design ensures quiet operation