高级会员第2年 参观人数:50542
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    Q300T D型大腔室多功能高真空双头离子溅射镀膜仪是设计用于薄膜镀膜的仪器,它也是钨灯丝和场发射扫描电镜观察之样品制备的理想镀膜仪。样品可用不氧化金属(贵金属)如金(Au)铂(Pt)镀膜,也可用铱(Ir)镀制具有精细颗粒结构的膜层。


    •Automated sequential sputtering 自动顺序溅射两层不同的成膜材料

    •Dual sputter head 双溅射镀膜头

    •Large format chamber 大腔室(300 mm D x 127 mm H,可选214mmH的高腔室)

    •Coat logging facility 镀膜日志功能(记录*后100条执行过的镀膜参数)

    •Fully automated touch-screen control 全自动触摸屏控制

    •Customer defined coating protocols 用户自定义镀膜方案

    •High resolution turbomolecular pumping涡轮分子泵抽真空,高分辨镀膜

    •Vacuum shutdown 真空闭锁功能

    •Dual channel film thickness monitor module,Q300T D can be fitted with an optional dual film thickness monitor (FTM), which measures the coating thickness on two quartz crystal monitors located within the chamber 双通道膜厚监控模块

    •A flat, adjustable stage capable of accepting 4” (101.6 mm) wafers is supplied as standard with the Q300T D. This stage has a rotation speed of 14 to 38 rpm.As an accessory a 6”(152.4 mm) wafer stage is available 大样品台

    •An optional lockable emergency stop switch is located in a position easily accessible for the operator, on top of the coater, to immediately cut power to the unit. 紧急停止开关