高级会员第2年 参观人数:65249
  • 参考报价:电议
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    Bergoz IPCT DC/AC Current Transducer

    Bergoz FCT Current Transformer

    Bergoz NPCT

    High sensitivity for low current. Differential and net current measurements of multiple conductors. Large internal diameter enables high voltage isolation.

    The Fast Current Transformer (FCT) is a wideband AC transformer with a rise time down to 175ps and a bandwidth up to 2GHz.

    The New Parametric Current Transformer (NPCT) is a zero-flux DC current transformer.

    •Peak Current: ±10mA .. ±5000mA•Resolution: 10uA•Bandwidth: DC – 4.2kHz

    •Bandwidth up to 1.75GHz 200-ps risetime•Droop down to 0.1%/μs down to 160 Hz lower cutoff freqency•Extra-high sensitivity up to 5 V/A

    •Full scale range from ±20mA to ±20A controlled by TTL levels•5 μA/sqrt(Hz) resolution in every range•1 μA/sqrt(Hz) or lower resolution on option

    Bergoz CWCT

    Bergoz ACCT

    Bergoz ICT, Turbo-ICT, BCM

    The CWCT is a current transformer with strict limits on lower and upper cut-off frequencies, tailored to the beam RF.

    The ACCT is non-interceptive current transformer.

    The Integrating Current Transformer (ICT) is a capacitively shorted transformer and a fast read out transformer in a common magnetic circuit designed to measure the charge in a very short pulse with high accuracy.

    •Beam repetition frequency 60~500 MHz•Average current with 1 μA resolution•Fast beam loss interlock 1 μs•Linearity error <1.5%•Beam loss resolution <1 %

    •Output current range range from ±10mA to ±2A full scale.•Frequency response from 5Hz to 350kHz•DC current up to 1A does not saturate the sensor•Radiation hard sensors available.

    •Integrates a very fast pulse with rise time in the order of picoseconds with no significant loss

    Bergoz MX-BPM / LR-BPM

    Bergoz S-BPM

    Bergoz VWM

    The Bergoz Multiplexed Beam Position Monitor (MX-BPM) is an electronics module…

    The S-band / L-band Beam Position Monitor (S–BPM) is an electronics module for fast analog processing of beam pickups signals.

    The VWM is based on the wire resonant frequency dependence on its tension, itself dependent on its temperature

    •On-board microstrip filters that elminate the need for costly tubular filters•GaAs switches to provide superior button to button isolation and low insertion loss•On-board systhesized local oscillator

    •Non-interceptive beam position measurement.•Beam charge range > 1000.

    •Transverse profile and position monitor•Fixed multi-wire sensor or moving sensor•For beams: Photon from infrared to keV, Electron, proton from keV to GeV and Neutrons