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    2.A. Gislason, O. S. Astthorsson, H. Petursdottir, H. Gudfinnsson and A. R. Bodvarsdottir,2000.Life cycle of Calanus finmarchicus south of Iceland in relation to hydrography and chlorophyll a.ICES Journal of Marine Science.57(6):1619-1627.

    3.Olafur S. Astthorsson and Astthor Gislason,2003.Seasonal variations in abundance, development and vertical distribution of Calanus finmarchicus, C. hyperboreus and C. glacialis in the East Icelandic Current.Journal of Plankton Research.25(7):843-854.

    4.A.M.P. Santos, A. Peliza, J. Dubertb, P.B. Oliveira, M.M. Angélicoa, P. Ré,2004.Impact of a winter upwelling event on the distribution and transport of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) eggs and larvae off western Iberia: a retention mechanism.Continental Shelf Research.24(2):149–165.

    5.Rehberg, Sabine and Stepputtis, Daniel and Hammer, Cornelius and Zimmermann, Christopher,2009.Diel differences in catches of Western Baltic Spring Spawning Herring Larvae (Clupea harengus).Information on Fishery Research.56(1):23-34.

    6.Anna Schukat, Lena Teuber, Wilhelm Hagen, Norbert Wasmund, Holger Auel,2013.Energetics and carbon budgets of dominant calanoid copepods in the northern Benguela upwelling system.Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.442:1-9.