高级会员第2年 参观人数:58398
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:


    Low Range Performance High Range Performance

    Nonlinearity (end point method, % of Range)

    ≤±0.10 ≤±0.07

    Hysteresis(% of Range)

    ≤±0.10 ≤±0.07

    Nonrepeatability(% of Range)

    ≤±0.05 ≤±0.03

    Combined Error (guaranteed combined non-linearity, hysteresis and non-repeatability, % of Range)

    ≤±0.15 ≤±0.12

    Rotational Effect on Zero (% of Range)

    ≤±0.05 ≤±0.03

    Remote1 Calibration Error (% of Range @ 75 deg. F., traceable to NIST)

    ≤±0.04 ≤±0.04

    Temperature Effects:

    Zero (% of Range/deg. F.)

    ≤±0.0025 ≤±0.001

    Span (% of Rdg./deg. F.)

    ≤±0.0025 ≤±0.001

    Compensated Range

    +75 to +175 deg. F.

    Minimum Usable Range

    -25 to +185 deg. F

    Storage Range

    -65 to +225 deg. F.

    Outputs: Fully bi-directional, dual outputs for each range with common characteristics, as follows

    Clockwise (CW)

    Torque²,³ (Volts)

    +5 standard, or +10 Option L

    Counterclockwise (CCW) Torque²,³ (Volts)

    - 5 standard, or - 10 Option L

    Minimum Resistive Load

    10 kΩ

    Maximum Capacitive Load 0.05 μF

    Source Impedance


    Overrange³ (% of Range) ±33

    Zero Control Range ±5% of Range, nominal

    Span Control Range ±5% of Range, nominal

    Supply Voltage5 (Volts dc) 10.5 to 24 standard, 18 to 24 Option L.

    Supply Voltage5 100 mA, nominal

    Power Supply Effect <0.01% of Range/volt

    Measurement Bandwidth4 High Frequency Output: dc to 500Hz, Low Frequency Output: dc to 1 Hz; both outputs are simultaneously available on each range

    Output Noise (rms, % of Range) 0.10 @ 500 Hz. output, 0.02 @ 1 Hz output








    790 series was developed to accurately measure torque when the ratio of peak torque to average torque is high. In that situation, a conventional torquemeter must be oversized to avoid damage – a process which greatly reduces accuracy. Conditions that create high peak to average ratios include starting, stopping or reversing inertial loads, torsional oscillations, and diesel and single cylinder engine/compressor drives. Additionally, when peak torques are unknown, an 790 reduces the risk of damage from unexpected or accidental torque spikes.

    An 790 can accurately measure low running torque and high transient spikes without the expense of using several conventional sensors. Furthermore, these products are hardened to the intense electromagnetic interference (EMI) often generated by modern, IGBT-based adjustable speed drives/controls.

    These torquemeters use patented technology newly refined to achieve 790 performance. Rotary transformers connect torque sensing strain gages to stationary circuitry without contact. Transformers don't generate noise or wear. They are immune to noise, dirt and lubricants and provide long, maintenance-free life. Unlike ferrite transformers, robust, non-ferrite design isn’t susceptible to cracking and impact damage. 790 sensors are suitable for diesel service and other hostile environments.

    RFI shielded circuitry, improved EMI tolerance, and the high level output with low source impedance further enhance noise immunity. Simple cabling yields calibration and balance truly free of cable effects. There are no slip rings, brushes, radio transmitters or other limited-life, noise-generating elements.