高级会员第2年 参观人数:118162
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:


    The CV-100 Caulking Viscometer is a compact but heavy-duty instrument that is ideal for highly viscous and hard-to-handle material on the production floor or in the QC lab. Like all other SBS viscometers, the CV-100 combines economy, ease of operation, accuracy, reliability, and versatility. High quality of instrument guarantees reliable performance for a long life. Small sample size and temperature control are also available.

    The Caulking Viscometer consists of a support stand and a disposable sample tube filled with the liquid whose viscosity is to be determined. Viscosity of the sample is determined by measuring the falling time of a controlled needle through a predetermined distance of the fluid held in a sample tube. The falling time is measured automatically by means of Hall sensors and a magnet in the weight holder (CV-100), laser sensors (CVa-100) or manually (CVm-100). For Non-Newtonian fluid, a computer program is available from SBS.


    Adhesives, Aerosols, Automobile Fluids, Biomaterials, Coal Slurries, Coatings, Colloids, Cosmetics, Creams, Dairy Products, Detergents, Dispersions, Emulsions, Fertilizers, Foams, Fuels, Gels, Grease, Honey, Inks, Ketchup, Latex, Lubricants, Mayonnaise, Milk, Oils, Ointments, Paints, Petroleum, Polymers, Proteins, Pulp, Resins, Shampoos, Slurries, Soaps, Solutions, Surfactants, Suspensions, Varnish and many more.



    Microprocessor-based Console with RS-232 Interface

    Automatic Needle Falling Time Measurement

    Room Temperature or Temperature Control with an Optional Water Jacket (-40 to 150°C)

    CVa-100 Automatic Needle Falling Time Measurement

    Room Temperature or Temperature Control with an Optional Water Jacket (-40 to 150°C)

    CVm-100 Manual Needle Falling Time Measurement

    Room Temperature or Temperature Control with an Optional Water Jacket (-40 to 150°C)


    Key Features

    1、Disposable Sample (Caulking) Tube(can be reused up to 30 times if cleaned)

    2、High Viscosity Measurement (109cP)

    3、No Sample Tube Cleaning

    4、Measures Absolute Viscosity without Instrument Calibration

    5、Minimal Disturbance of Sample's Mechanical Structure

    6、Automatic Falling Time Measurements to 0.001 second

    7、Accurate and Large Temperature Control

    8、Quick and Easy Viscosity Measurement

    9、Relative Sedimentation Rate Measurements

    10、Microprocessor-based Console with RS-232 Interface for CV-100 Model