高级会员第2年 参观人数:118178
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:



    The DR 10 is designed for all types of applications related to thermal oxidation testing of jet fuels including research, refining, pipeline, terminals, and mobile laboratory applications ‐ every location where thermal oxidation of jet fuel is evaluated.

    The DR 10 uses an interferometry technique based on a powerful light source, a fiber optic probe, and a spectrometer. Specific light is emitted on the surface of

    the tube


    The heater tube is prepared according to ASTM D3241 test procedure and is placed in the test chamber of the DR 10.

    The DR 10 is equipped with a touch screen. A virtual alphanumeric keypad is used to program the test. The sample types, the operator names and test temperatures are pre‐programmed. Only the sample ID and the tube serial number have to be entered. The tube serial number is displayed by a camera and the technician simply enters the displayed serial number at the beginning of the test. With this minimal data entry, the 1,200 points tube scanning is initiated. The full tube scan is completed in less than 15 minutes.

    The DR 10 displays a 3D image of the deposit and the average and the maximum thickness deposit values.

    The mean deposit thickness of the thickest 2.5 mm2 area defined in the ASTM D 3241 is reported in addition to the calculated total deposit volume.


    1、Absolute measurement of deposit thickness

    2、Quick, easy, and objective rating

    3、Ideal tool for all applications

    4、Very compact design


    Benefits The current visual rating method used for

    specification purposes suffers from the drawback of operator subjectivity and provides no real information on the thickness and volume of deposits, parameters which are far more meaningful for characterizing jet fuels for users and suppliers.

    The DR 10 measures the deposit thickness at 1,200 points around the surface of the tube. At the end of the test, it displays a 3D mapping of the deposit in addition to average and maximum thicknesses and total volume deposit.