高级会员第3年 参观人数:27361
  • 连连化学
  • 详细介绍:

    分子式 Molecular Formula  C9H21O3Al

    分子量 Molecular Weight   204.4

    CAS#  555-31-7

    化学名称Chemical Name  三异丙氧基铝 Aluminium iso-Propoxide(AIP)


    外  观(目测)Appearance白色粉末
    White powder
    初熔点 Initial Melting Point,℃     115.0~135.0
    铝含量 Aluminium Content,%12.9~13.5
    Solubility in Toluene(1∶10)


    性质  白色半透明块状或圆柱形小块,密度1.035g/cm3。溶于乙醇、异丙醇、苯、甲苯、氯仿和四氯化碳。易吸湿,遇水分解成氢氧化铝和异丙醇。

    Properties  White semi- transparent or small cylindric cakes, density is 1.035g/cm3, soluble in alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, benzene, toluene, chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. It is easy to absorb moisture and reacts with water into aluminium hydroxide and isopropanol.

    Applications  It can be used as isophytol,testosterone, progesterone,andro sienedione, ethisterone in pharmacertical industry and aluminate coupling agents in processing rubber and plastic industry. It is also used for thickener of printing ink of fatty acid Al-O sexamers, active catalyst and support, inorganic membrane, reducing agent, dehydrant, water-proofing agent, etc..

    Storage  Store closed containers in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. It shall be used up after opening the box. Don’t be exposed to atmosphere in long time.

    Packing  Polyethylene plastic bucket or corruguting paper board box lined with polyethylene film bags or in vacuumizing. Net weight 20 Kg per bucket.