4 年
品牌: |
力加力 |
产地: |
武汉市 |
关注度: |
29129 |
型号: |
5-5000升 |
我公司是《中国聚氨酯工业协会》的会员单位,生产的聚氨酯耐磨件由金属骨架包覆改性聚氨酯,具有尺寸精密、耐磨损、耐强酸强碱不掉色、聚氨酯不含铜、锌金属粒子,交货期短、使用寿命长的特点,是国内外砂磨机聚氨酯耐磨件(聚氨酯内筒体、聚氨酯研磨盘片、聚氨酯前后端盖、聚氨酯出料分离转子、聚氨酯棒销等)的主要供应商,普遍应用于硫酸法、盐酸法和氯化法钛白粉的研磨工艺、3000升-5000升大型砂磨机金属及黄金精矿研磨聚氨酯结构件、也是磁性材料、氧化铝粉体研磨机的结构件,在新能源电池磷酸铁锂浆料水系研磨工艺和甲醇系研磨工艺、异丙醇系研磨工艺、乙二醇系研磨工艺中也有广泛的应用业绩是砂磨机聚氨酯耐磨件的理想选择。 Contact the Our company is a member unit of the China Polyurethane Industry Association. The polyurethane wear-resistant parts produced by our company are made of modified polyurethane coated with a metal skeleton. They have the characteristics of precise dimensions, wear resistance, resistance to strong acids and alkalis without fading, and the polyurethane does not contain copper and zinc metal particles. They haveshortdeliverytimes and long service lives. We are a major supplier of polyurethanewear-resistant parts for sand mills at home and abroad. They are widely used in the grinding processes of titanium dioxide by sulfuric acid method, hydrochloric acid method and chlorination method, as well as polyurethane structural parts for grinding metals and gold concentrates in large sand mills of 3000-5000 liters. They are also structural parts of magnetic materials and alumina powder grinders. They also have extensive application achievements in the aqueous grinding process and methanol-based grinding process, isopropanol-based grinding process, and ethylene glycol-based grinding process of lithium iron phosphate slurry for new energy batteries. They are an ideal choice for polyurethane wear-resistant parts of sand mills.Contact the company directly: You can call the contact number of Wuhan Lijiali Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (1 8 9 1 1 2 5 3 7 0 2), or send an email to its mailbox (3 3 2 9 4 1 1 8 5 @ q q .c o m) to consult them for product price information.
- 聚氨酯的工作原理介绍?
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- 聚氨酯多少钱一台?
- 聚氨酯使用的注意事项
- 聚氨酯的说明书有吗?
- 聚氨酯的操作规程有吗?
- 聚氨酯的报价含票含运费吗?
- 聚氨酯有现货吗?
- 聚氨酯包安装吗?