高级会员第7年 参观人数:79576
  • 参考报价:电议
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    【规格参数】 Specification

    尺寸/Dimension                              Φ100~450mm×L100~460mm        Φ400~800mm×L700~1500mm
     温度/Temperature                          100~280℃                                       max 420℃   

     线速度/Linear Speed                       5000m/min                                      max500m/min

    表面处理/Surface Treatment             镀硬铬/陶瓷/镜面/镜面或梨面Hard-chrome plating / Ceramic coating / mirrorfinish/mirror/mat finish


    【产品描述】 Product Description

        合成纤维热处理轧辊(简称热辊或导丝辊),从航空航天领域到民用服装面料,在具有高强度、优良耐热的化学纤维、独特质感的新合成纤维的制造工艺中,边加热边拉丝的“热拉伸”是一个重要的工艺。在该工艺中,联净感应加热导丝辊通过高速旋转拉伸对纤 维进行高精度热处理,整合分子排列,形成均一结晶。可以加工出质地均匀的高品质材料。

        In the thermal drawing process, fibers are drawn at high speeds as heat supplied. This is a key advantage in the production of ultra-strong, highly heat-resistant super fibers and new synthetic fibers with distinctive textures.

    LEGION® induction heating godet roller provides thermal drawing of fiber at high speed with ultra-high precision.This achieves precise molecular orientation,promotes uniform crystallization without distortion, and yields strong,highly uniform materials.