高级会员第8年 参观人数:135419

上海太易检测技术有限公司是一家拥有国际**仪器开发技术和设计平台的高科技创新企业,引进海外技术,吸纳国内行业顶尖人才。致力于开发国际水准,为用户量身定制的高性价比产品。作为国内首台数字式金属异物检测机的制造商,为食品、化工、医药等行业提供各类在线检测(金属异物检测,X射线异物检测, 重量选别)解决方案,帮助客户符合HACCP,FDA等认证要求和卫生安全标准,从而保护客户品牌形象,提高客户生产效率和生产质量。



Techik Instrument (Shanghai) Co., Ltd is a high -tech innovation
enterprise with international leading instrument technology and design
platform. We introduce the oversea technology and attract the top talents from the domestic industries. We are committed to the
development of the high quality products with international standards
and tailored for the users.

As the first manufacturer of the Digital Metal Detector with IPR in
China, we provide the metal detection, X-ray inspection and
checkweighing solutions in productionline for food,chemical,
pharmaceutical industries and other industries. We help the customers
meet the HACCP, GMP certificate and other health and safety standards
in order to protect the customer's brand reputation and improve
their production efficiency and quality.

We are endeavoring to establish our new Chinese brand with the
mindset: Top Quality and Reasonable Price. Our final goalis to
become the biggest production line inspection equipment manufacturer
in China and around the world.