高级会员第8年 参观人数:615490
  • Retsch
    型号:AT 100 XL
  • 详细介绍:

    The Bond Abrasion Index, devised by F.C. Bond in the 1940‘s, quantifies the abrasivity of ores and minerals. The index serves to calculate metal wear rates in crushers and ball consumption rates in ball mills.

    The AT 100 XL consists of a rotating insert into which dry ore samples with a defined particle size are placed. An impact paddle mounted on a centre shaft, rotating at a higher speed than the insert, grinds the sample over a defined period of time.

    Both insert and paddle rotate in the same direction. The paddle is made from standard alloy steel hardened to 500 Brinell. The Abrasion Index is calculated from the weight loss of the paddle under standard operating conditions.


    • pre-set rotation speed and time

    • CE conform version


    应用 矿石和矿物的耐磨性量化
    应用领域 地质 / 冶金, 建筑原料, 环境 / 资源回收利用
    评估 利用拍子称重计算质量损失
    进料粒度* < 19 mm
    批次加料量* 400 g 每次
    程序数量 4,每 400 g
    耐磨性测试时间 4*15 min
    旋转叶片 NO DATA FOUND (copySource=3" x 1" x ¼" hardened to 500 Brinell)
    转速 拍击 632 min-1 / 插入 70 min-1
    电源数据: 230 V, 50 Hz
    电源接头: 单相
    机体尺寸 (宽x高x纵深) 700 x 1140 x 700 mm
    净重 ~ 246 kg
    标准 CE

    Please note:


    The Bond Index Abrasion Tester AT 100 XL consists of a rotating insert into which a dry sample with a defined particle size is placed. An impact paddle mounted on a centre shaft rotating at a higher speed than the insert grinds the sample over a defined period of time.

    Both insert and paddle rotate in the same direction. The paddle is made from standard alloy steel hardened to 500 Brinell. The Abrasion Index is calculated from the weight loss of the paddle under standard operating conditions.