高级会员第11年 参观人数:180662
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:


    Technical Parameter of laboratory Drum Wet Low-intensity Magnetic Separator



    XCRS Wet Magnetic Separator is mainly desgned for labs for netallic mineral processing.Tt conducts concurrent magnetic separation of fine-grain ores with strong magnetism by wse of Wet Method.It is small in volume,light in weight,simple in operation and convenient in maintenance.However,it is unsuitable to be used in beneficiation by the former corrosive. The product is produced by the only enterprise designated by the former Ministry of Geology and Mineral Mineral Resources,in compliance with the Industrial standards

    Drum machine built with open magnetic system, as to the mine quickly when the sub-elected magnetic minerals, magnetic minerals in the tank was in the dark magnetic suction surface, get rid of sludge by magnetic stirring and finally with the drum heads With flush discharged outside the rotating machine.