高级会员第15年 参观人数:210046
  • 参考报价:电议
  • 详细介绍:

    ■主要用途Main Usage■
    Model ZS Series delaminated sieve is suitable for flow opration,that is the ideal equipment for sifting out the granules in different size and proportion and for continuous materials-delivering.

    ■结构与性能 Structure Pergormance■
    This machines consisted of the hopper,vibration chamber,clutch.motor erc.The vibration chamber is equipped by eccentric wheel,fubber soft pieces,man shift,bearing etc,When the adjustable eccentric weight passed its gravity to the central line of main shift by the driving of motor to break the blaned,then under the centrifugal force,the orbit spire of target materials ist forced to change its way in the chamber.The size of swing of the weight regulator can be adjusted according to different kind of target material or the number of mesh.The whole machine has the specialties of compact structure,small volume,non-dust flying.low noise,and high output,low energy consumption,easy to be moved and maintained.