高级会员第18年 参观人数:646419
  • 岛津
  • 详细介绍:


    • 外形紧
    • 节省能源
    • 无需安装电缆线或安装控制架
    • 强化了抽气性能
    • 无需外接电源

    • Compact

    • Energy-saving

    • No need to install cables or use a control rack

    • Improved pumping performance

    • No separate power supply is necessary because AC power supply is directly input.

    TMP-X2905/X3405 Series


    The height is 15 % less than the previous model (TMP-V3304) with an integrated power supply unit.


    Power consumption is approximately 15 % less than the previous model with a separate power supply unit (with no load).

    Support for hard process

    ue to the temperature regulation function and improved motor drive output, the pump can be used even in processes with the existence of reaction products and processes using corrosive gas.


    All-in-one × compact

    Compact model with integrated power supply unit

    he power supply unit is integrated in the pump.
    No need to install cables or use a control rack

    mproved pumping performance

    High pumping efficiency is achieved by applying rarefied gas flow analysis and structure analysis technology.


    Power-saving (up to 25 % reduction in power consumption than previous models)


    TMP with integrated power supply

    No separate power supply is necessary because AC power supply is directly input.

    Compact and high pumping speed

    High pumping speed is achieved on a body one size smaller than Shimadzu's previous models.

    Variable pump speed

    The pump speed can be set within a range from 25 to 100 %.